Apply for Monthly Grants

Members of the Dandenong Ranges Music Council received a small grant in 2018.

Monthly Grants support not-for-profit groups to bring opportunities to life that strengthen their communities. 

Monthly Grants are open for ten months of the year (no rounds in June and December) and close on the last day of each month. Applicants will be notified of the outcome approximately four weeks from the closing date of each round.

Eligible community groups and individuals can apply from $250 up to $1,500 per financial year for projects meeting the criteria, eligibility, and permit requirements. Projects can be a combination of in-kind support and grant funding up to the value of $1,500 per financial year. Groups can now apply for more than one project across the year, up to $1,500. This enables fair access for groups and organisations across Yarra Ranges. 

Please note:

No retrospective funding is awarded. If your event or project occurs during the month of making the application, it is considered retrospective and cannot be funded. We encourage applications to be submitted at least 3 months prior to your activity or event taking place.

Applying for an event/festival

We have a guide to assist with event and festival planning - Planning a Festival or Event

There are many well equipped public spaces and community halls across Yarra Ranges which are great locations for events. If you're planning an event on private land, you may need a Planning Permit. Council funding cannot be provided unless all necessary permits are in place.

You can view a list of our venues, parks and open spaces at:

Events on Public Land

  • Please refer to the Planning a Festival or Event page on Council’s website to establish if you need to register your event. You'll also find the Event Quick Guide, packed with helpful information to support your event planning
  • If you need to register your event this must be done at least 12 weeks prior to the event date. This ensures plenty of time to process your registration and provide any support that may be needed.
  • If your event is on public land, you won’t need a Planning Permit, but you may need a PoPE (Place of Public Entertainment) Permit. When you register your event, we’ll let you know if this is required, and it can be issued within 12 weeks.

Events on private land

  • If your event is being held on private land a Planning Permit is likely to be required, and you will be referred to Council’s Planning team to check if you can hold the event on the proposed site. We suggest you get advice before you make a grant application by calling the Planning Duty Officer on 1300 368 333.

A Planning Permit can take 6 to 12 months to process, so choosing a public place for your event might be a better option. If you decide to apply for a Planning Permit, please allow enough time to work through this before applying for a grant.

For further information please contact


Monthly grant categories

Applications that promote a healthy and connected community will be considered in the following categories: 

  • Connected and Vibrant Communities (up to $1500) 
  • Not for Profit Business and Trader Group Grants (up to $1500) 
  • Youth Pathways (up to $250) 

  • Youth Sports Participation:
    - Individual (up to $250)
    - Teams and Incorporated Sports Clubs (up to $500)

  • In-kind – Council Waste Management (up to 30 bins)  
  • In-kind – Council Venue Hire (up to $300)

Funding is awarded on a competitive basis.


The following important requirements demonstrate the foundations for projects to be successful.  

The following eligibility requirements must be met: 

  • Recipient organisations must be a not-for-profit community group/organisation, a registered charity or incorporated not for profit organisation. Groups are not required to have an ABN to apply, however it is strongly encouraged that they do (Applying for an ABN | ABR).
  • Community groups that are not incorporated must have their application auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation through an Auspice Agreement*.
  • Arts groups and individual artists that are not incorporated must have their application auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation (as above).
  • Projects must occur in Yarra Ranges and deliver all outcomes in Yarra Ranges.
  • Projects must have suitable public liability insurance that covers the duration of the project. If the organisation/individual does not have public liability insurance at the time of application, a funding condition will be added that they must provide evidence of insurance cover before the grant is paid.
  • Public liability insurance requirements do not apply to Sports Participation or Youth Pathway categories where the sports and auspice organisations already have this insurance. Applicants must confirm this.
  • Dedicated fundraising events can receive apply for up to $500 and need to demonstrate how the fundraising effort will meet the criteria of building social inclusion in the community.
  • Minor equipment, maintenance and materials. Applications that are for the sole purpose of purchasing equipment or materials will be capped at $750.
  • Applicants must commit to obtaining all necessary permits related to the funded activity, particularly for festivals.
  • Applicants must have successfully completed all reporting requirements i.e., Acquittals for previous Yarra Ranges Council grants and have no outstanding debts with Council. If unsure, please contact the Grants Team.

Monthly grant applications related to other existing Yarra Ranges Council Grants (such as Annual or Partnership projects) will be assessed against the following criteria. Additional funding may be approved if it is: 

  • A stand-alone activity or project with a specific budget which is not funded as part of the Annual Grant or Partnerships project.
  • A project that will add value to the original project or event.
  • Does not duplicate elements of the original project or event.
  • The assessment panel for Annual Grants recommended an application as the project did not receive full funding and the Monthly Grants program was a fair way to support unfunded components of the project. 

Schools can apply for: 

  • Project/activities that have wider community benefit (promotes social inclusion outcomes beyond the school community). 
  • Projects that are NOT core business of schools.
  • In-Kind waste and/or venue hire for events. 
  • School fundraising events or activities (will be capped at $500). 
    • A program that is the responsibility of State or Federal Governments.
    • Activities that take place outside Yarra Ranges, excluding Sports Participation and Youth Pathways categories.
    • New building, capital works or facility maintenance works. Minor works can be considered for up to 50% of a project budget - if the project clearly aligns with program objectives. 
    • Ongoing staff salaries or administration costs. 
    • Projects that are for core school curriculum activities and school-based projects that do not engage the wider community. 
    • Camps or overnight activities involving children or young persons under 18 years old.  
    • Projects with the singular purpose of promoting religion.  
    • Applications from political parties or political organisations. 
    • Training, study, or academic research here or overseas. 
    • Applications that are solely for attending forums, workshops, and conferences, except for Youth Pathways.
    • Retrospective funding of projects. Applicants need to submit their application before the event or activity occurs. Please note that the activity or event must not take place prior to grant round closing or the assessment timeline. 
    • Subsidising ongoing or regular use of Council’s halls or facilities.
    • Activities that take place at inappropriate venues, for example, gambling venues.
    • Activities that are sponsored by gambling businesses.
    • Purchase of alcohol.
    • Purchase/Hire of rides (including inflatables).
    • Awards, purchase of trophies and competitions. 
    • Signage

    Please be aware that it can take up to six weeks (from the close of each round) for funding to be distributed to successful applicants. We recommend applying for a grant at least two months before your project/event. 


    Monthly grant grogram guidelines and selection criteria

    The Monthly Grants Program supports not-for-profit groups to bring opportunities to life to strengthen their communities.  

    Eligible community groups and individuals can apply from $250 up to $1500 per financial year for projects meeting the criteria and eligibility requirements. In a recent change this may be a combination of in-kind and grant funding up to $1,500 per financial year, or some groups may have more than one project funded across the year, up to $1,500. This enables fair access across groups and organisations in Yarra Ranges. 

    Applications that promote a healthy and connected community will be considered in the following categories: 

    • Connected and Vibrant Communities (up to $1500) 
    • Not for Profit Business and Trader Group Grants (up to $1500) 
    • Youth Pathways (up to $250) 
    • Youth Sports Participation: 
      - Individual (up to $250)
      - Teams and Incorporated Sports Clubs (up to $500)

    • In-kind – Council Waste Management (up to 30 bins)  
    • In-kind – Council Venue Hire (up to $300)


    Connected and Vibrant Communities

    (Up to $1500)

    Projects and activities that strengthen communities and build social connection and inclusion, including support for artists and cultural projects.

    Selection Criteria:

    To be considered for funding in this category, your project will meet a minimum of two of the following criteria:

    • Providing opportunities for community to connect and participate in local, community led activities.
    • Creating volunteer opportunities.
    • Building on existing community strengths and opportunities.
    • Strengthening social connection, a sense of belonging and inclusion.
    • Community planning projects and activities that build a shared vision and goals for a local community.
    • Support for communities impacted by a current emergency/natural disaster in the Yarra Ranges area.


    • Fundraising events can apply for up to $500. Applicants will need to demonstrate how the fundraising effort will build social connection and inclusion in the wider community. 
    • Please contact your regional Community Development Officer if you would like to apply for a Community Planning grant (for more information, please visit:
    • Equipment is capped at $750 per financial year. 


    Not For Profit Business and Trader Group Grants

    Business and Trader Group Grants – up to $1500

    These grants support not for profit Business and Trader Groups to be successful in achieving their goals.

    Selection Criteria:

    To be considered for funding in this category, your project will need to meet one of the following criteria:

    • Support the sustainable governance of not-for-profit business and trader groups. Examples of this may include hire of a facilitator/trainer to support governance e.g., how to run your Incorporated Association, running a successful AGM, building expertise in leadership roles such as Chair or Treasurer, inducting new members, and meeting incorporation requirements.
    • Expanding organisational and business capacity of your not-for-profit group or of the members’ businesses.
    • Initiatives between business and trader groups that increase capability e.g., shared training, strategic planning.
    • Small projects that:

      • Involve community coming together
      • Promote social connection
      • Help to create a sense of place
      • Have creative and community connection outcomes
      • Generate economic activity



    • Not for profit Business and Trader Groups only. 
    • Must be located within the Yarra Ranges. 
    • Events that are eligible for or have received funding under the Yarra Ranges Tourism Grants program, are not eligible for this grant program. 


    Youth Pathways

    (Up to $250)

    Supporting the development of young people helps build strong and inclusive communities. The Youth Pathways category is designed to:

    • support young people to engage in opportunities that build their potential or;
    • develop skills aligned with their educational and career aspirations. 

    Selection Criteria: 

    To be considered for funding in this category, you will need to meet the following criteria:  

    • Be aged 25 years or under and provide proof of age in the application e.g., driver’s licence with current address or student card.
    • Reside in Yarra Ranges and provide verification of residency in the application e.g., driver’s licence with current address; utilities bill; rates notice.
    • Demonstrate how you will build on potential or develop skills aligned with educational and career aspirations. 
    • Include evidence of commitment to the opportunity e.g., letter from mentor organisation or group, proof of enrolment in a course of study.
    • Priority will be given to those who can demonstrate financial need/hardship. 

    Youth Sports Participation

    (Up to $250 – Individuals, Up to $500 – Teams)

    Sports Participation Achievement

    The Youth Sports Participation Achievement category is to assist individuals ($250) and teams ($500) aged 25 years or under, with the costs of high-level sports participation.

    Selection Criteria: 

    To be considered for funding in this category, you will need to meet the following criteria: 

    • Be aged 25 years or under and provide proof of age in the application e.g., driver’s licence with current address; student card. 
    • Reside in Yarra Ranges and provide verification of residency in the application e.g., driver’s licence with current address; utilities bill; rates notice. 
    • Have endorsement by the accredited governing sporting association as follows:
      • a letter verifying selection must be provided with applications, or for those at a development level, a letter from the local club is required. 
    • Events are officially recognised by the relevant sporting code. 
    • Representation of the individual or teams can be at a local, regional, state, national or international level. 


    Council will not fund:

    • Persons who are part of a team sport will not be funded at the individual rate and Council will not fund multiple members of the same team as individuals. Teams can only apply for $500 total funding. 
    • University/tertiary institution games. 
    • School based tours or coaches (where all members are from the same school). 
    • Camps for children and young people. 

    Youth Sports Participation - Inclusion

    The Youth Sports Participation Inclusion category is designed to increase access to, and participation in, sport for young people who are experiencing a financial barrier to participation e.g., club registration fees, uniform, equipment. 

    Selection Criteria: 

    To be considered for funding in this category, you will need to meet the following criteria:

    • Be aged 25 years or under and reside in Yarra Ranges. Proof of residency and age must be provided in the application e.g., driver’s licence with current address or student card. 
    • Include evidence of what the funding will be spent on e.g., club registration fees, uniform etc. 
    • Demonstrate financial need e.g., Australian Government Health Care Card.
    • If applying as an incorporated Sports Club on behalf of individuals, all the above information needs to be provided with permission of the young person.


    In-kind – Council Venue Hire

    (Up to $300)

    Use of a Council owned hall or venue for single hire. These grants are not for regular ongoing hire costs. As this is an in-kind grant the payment will be made on your behalf. 

    Selection Criteria: 

    To be considered for funding in this category, you will need to meet the following requirements: 


    If you are interested in using a space at one of our Cultural Venues, please contact the Venue Activation Team on 1300 368 333 for a quote at least 3 weeks prior to submitting your application.

    In Kind - Waste Management Support 

    The In-Kind Waste Management Support category supports small, free community events that promote social inclusion and are held in a public space.

    Applicants can apply for assistance with waste management through the provision of bins. There are three levels of support that can be provided based on the size of the event and estimated number of people attending.  

    Selection Criteria: 

    To be considered for funding under this category, you will need to meet the above criteria and the following requirements:

    • Contact Council’s Waste Management Team on 1300 368 333 at least three weeks prior to the grant round closing date to discuss the event and eligibility. 
    • Attach written confirmation of support from the Waste Management Team to the application.


    It is possible for applicants to access In-Kind Waste Management and In-Kind Halls and Facilities Hire and a financial grant for the same project or event; however, the total value cannot exceed $1500 (this applies only if you require less than 20 bins). This ensures equitable access to Monthly Grant funding across the Yarra Ranges community.  


    The following important requirements demonstrate the foundations for projects to be successful.  

    The following eligibility requirements must be met: 

    • Recipient organisations must be a not-for-profit community group/organisation, a registered charity or incorporated not for profit organisation. Groups are not required to have an ABN to apply, however it is strongly encouraged that they do (Applying for an ABN | ABR).
    • Community groups that are not incorporated must have their application auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation through an Auspice Agreement*.
    • Arts groups and individual artists that are not incorporated must have their application auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation (as above).
    • Projects must occur in Yarra Ranges and deliver all outcomes in Yarra Ranges.
    • Projects must have suitable public liability insurance that covers the duration of the project. If the organisation/individual does not have public liability insurance at the time of application, a funding condition will be added that they must provide evidence of insurance cover before the grant is paid.
    • Public liability insurance requirements do not apply to Sports Participation or Youth Pathway categories where the sports and auspice organisations already have this insurance. Applicants must confirm this.
    • Dedicated fundraising events can receive apply for up to $500 and need to demonstrate how the fundraising effort will meet the criteria of building social inclusion in the community.
    • Minor equipment, maintenance and materials. Applications that are for the sole purpose of purchasing equipment or materials e.g., art supplies, BBQ for fundraisers, will be capped at $750.
    • Applicants must commit to obtaining all necessary permits related to the funded activity, particularly for festivals.
    • Applicants must have successfully completed all reporting requirements i.e., Acquittals for previous Yarra Ranges Council grants and have no outstanding debts with Council. If unsure, please contact the Grants Team.

    Monthly grant applications related to other existing Yarra Ranges Council Grants (such as Annual or Partnership projects) will be assessed against the following criteria. Additional funding may be approved if it is: 

    • A stand-alone activity or project with a specific budget which is not funded as part of the Annual Grant project.
    • A project that will add value to the original project or event.
    • Does not duplicate elements of the original project or event.
    • The assessment panel for Annual Grants recommended an application as the project did not receive full funding and the Monthly Grants program was a fair way to support unfunded components of the project. 

    Schools can apply for: 

    • Project/activities that have wider community benefit (promotes social inclusion outcomes beyond the school community). 
    • Projects that are NOT core business of schools.
    • In-Kind waste and/or venue hire for events. 
    • School fundraising events or activities (will be capped at $500). 
      • A program that is the responsibility of State or Federal Governments.
      • Activities that take place outside Yarra Ranges, excluding Sports Participation and Youth Pathways categories.
      • New building, capital works or facility maintenance works. Minor works can be considered for up to 50% of a project budget - if the project clearly aligns with program objectives. 
      • Ongoing staff salaries or administration costs. 
      • Projects that are for core school curriculum activities and school-based projects that do not engage the wider community. 
      • Camps or overnight activities involving children or young persons under 18 years old.  
      • Projects with the singular purpose of promoting religion.  
      • Applications from political parties or political organisations. 
      • Training, study, or academic research here or overseas. 
      • Applications that are solely for attending forums, workshops, and conferences, except for Youth Pathways.
      • Retrospective funding of projects. Applicants need to submit their application before the event or activity occurs. Please note that the activity or event must not take place prior to grant round closing or the assessment timeline. 
      • Subsidising ongoing or regular use of Council’s halls or facilities.
      • Activities that take place at inappropriate venues, for example, gambling venues.
      • Activities that are sponsored by gambling businesses.
      • Purchase of alcohol.
      • Purchase/Hire of rides (including inflatables).
      • Awards, purchase of trophies and competitions. 

      Please be aware that it can take up to six weeks (from the close of each round) for funding to be distributed to successful applicants. We recommend applying for a grant at least two months before your project/event. 


      Key dates and timelines

      The Monthly Grants Program runs on a monthly basis. Applications are assessed quickly, with a turnaround time of four weeks. Approximate times are detailed below:

      • Rounds closes - last calendar day of each month.
      • Assessment - three to four weeks from round closing.
      • Notification - four weeks after closing date.
      • Payment – Two weeks after notification.

      Activities must take place after the grant has been awarded.

      Applications can be submitted in advance.

      Applications cannot be submitted after the event or activity has already passed.

      Please note, Monthly Grants applications are not open during the month of December each year.

      2024 Monthly grant recipients

      To view our most recent Monthly Grant Recipients for 2024 please visit:

      Monthly Grant Recipients

      How to apply

      Step 1.Step 1 

      Before applying for a Monthly Grant you must read the Monthly Grants Program Guidelines We recommend carefully looking through the eligibility, selection criteria and key definitions.

      We encourage applications to be submitted at least 2 months prior to your activity or event taking place.

      Step 2.Step 2

      Make sure you register for a SmartyGrants account.

      Step 3.Step 3

      Once you have read the Program Guidelines, submit an application online.

      Please note, Monthly Grants applications close during the month of December each year.

      Apply online

      Join our mailing list

      Interested in hearing about grant and free training opportunities? Join our mailing list!

      *Members of the Dandenong Ranges Music Council, pictured above, received a grant in 2018.