Swinburne Children’s Centres are a Community based not-for profit organisation run by a board of directors.
At Swinburne Children’s Centres we value and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Citizens and acknowledge their elder’s past, present and emerging and commit to protecting the land, waterways and the sky.
We value collaboration between our families and the wider community and firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. Family involvement is encouraged and valued and host regular family events.
The environment is the third teacher and base our learning program on the Reggio Learning Approach and use open ended provocations based on children’s interests.
Program runs:Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm Vacancies: contact service for information Fees: contact service for information
4 year old program runs: Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm Vacancies: contact this service for vacancy information
435-437 Marooondah Hwy, Lilydale 3140 View Map
435-437 Marooondah Hwy , Lilydale 3140