Additional vaccine recommendations


Although the current Australian immunisation schedule protects against many serious diseases, there are some recommended vaccines that are partially or not funded. 

Meningococcal B vaccine. Funded since 1st July 2020 for:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants aged 2 months (from 6 weeks), 4 months and 6 months with a catch up program available for;
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children less than 2 years of age
  • People with specific medical risk factors.

For those who do not meet the funding requirements the vaccine can be purchased at any of our morning community immunisation sessions. The number of doses recommended may vary due to your child's age.

Meningococcal ACW&Y vaccine was added to the national schedule at 12 months of age from 1st July 2018. The vaccine is recommended from 6 weeks of age for early protection and is available for purchase for all age groups at community immunisation sessions or your GP.

An additional dose of chickenpox vaccine is recommended to increase protection to 95%. This vaccine can be purchased through free community sessions or your GP clinic.

Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough)  A booster dose is recommended and free for:

  • Pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation during every pregnancy.

A booster dose is recommended and can be purchased through your GP clinic and all community immunisation sessions for:

  • those who have not received this vaccine within the past 10 years and who will be in close contact with new born infants
  • from age 50 years 

Non funded vaccination costs

In addition to government funded immunisations, we also provide non-funded vaccinations available at cost price. Our table below outlines the available non-funded immunisations. For all other vaccines, please contact your GP clinic.

Non-funded immunisations



Fee (each)




From 6 weeks of age

Meningococcal ACWY(Niminrix Brand)

Please check the current dosage recommendations.




From 12 months of age

Chicken Pox 

2 doses are required for those 14 years and over



DiphtheriaTetanus and Whooping Cough (Pertussis)


From 6 weeks of age Meningococcal B (Bexsero Brand)

Please check the current dosage recommendations




How do I arrange a non funded vaccination?

  1. Make an appointment online or phone 1300 368 333
  2. List the vaccine required in the notes.
  3. Payment is made during the booking process or by EFTPOS at the session.


Travel Vaccinations

For travel vaccinations, contact your doctor or locate a travel clinic.