Wreath making

Thumbnail and image 4. completed wreath.jpg

Things you'll need for this activity

  • Pieces of thin, bendy branches with leaves (eg: gums) or lengths of creeper

  • Gumnuts, seed pods, flowers

  • Secateurs/scissors & some garden twine, bread ties or string

  • Ribbon, decorations

What you'll learn in this activity 

Ages: This is an activity for children 3 years+ - young children may need a helping hand from someone older

Purpose: This is a creative way to use things found in nature to create a festive outdoor decoration, promoting use of sustainable items that can be easily composted when finished. 

Let's play!

  1. Collect your fallen branches and nature materials.

  2. Once you have your branches, start to build a circle, using the twine to tie together

  3. Keep building to required thickness and keep tying on with twine

  4. Tie on your decorations securely.

  5. You could leave the wreath natural or add a bow or tinsel for some color.

 wreath Picture1.png

Let's talk

Qs - What shape are we building ?  Will we make a big one or a small one ?  What colors have we used ?  

Extension - Natural resources can create other decorations for the table or garden.

We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay

You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at earlyyears@yarraranges.vic.gov.au

Download a printable copy(PDF, 497KB)