Interactive & Imaginative Games
What is the learning in this activity ?
Ages: 3+
Purpose: Engaging children in playing games to encourage imagination and build language, where nothing additional is required, just themselves. These can be played at home and out and about - ‘I spy’ is great for travelling in the car, shopping trips and in waiting rooms!
Let's play!
What animal am I?
Each person takes a turn at doing the actions of an animal:
- thinking about how it looks, if it is tall or small, slow or fast, is smooth, has ears
Others can ask questions such as does it have 4 legs? is it furry? Does it live on a farm?
I spy something that is the colour ….is a great introduction to this game for young children; its fun, assists in learning colours and builds language.

Let's talk
Extension - Older children can extend ‘I spy’ by graduating to shapes and letters.
The ‘what animal am I’ game can be extended to what occupation, activity/action or object am I? Children love to see parents and carers playing games and having fun with them.
We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay
You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at
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