Encouraging Language

For this activity

Making the most of everyday activities to listen and talk more with our children to encourage language development.

What is the learning in this activity?

Ages: for parents and carers of children aged 8 months plus

Purpose: This is a simple and helpful reminder that we play an important role in encouraging language and literacy in our children through play and through everyday moments.

Listening & Talking More

  1. Anywhere, anytime – putting clothes away, where’s the sock? Whose hat?

  2. Give choices, start conversations and take turns – “would you like a cup of tea?" “Which fruit would you like?" “I like banana, tell me which one you like”.

  3. Be clear, exaggerate and repeat (children love doing things over and over) - “building a tower, build it up, build it up, build it higher, build it up, up, up into the sky”.

  4. Describe, label and ask – “oh...you chose the red block”  “Would you like to pour the tea?"  “Your turn, my turn now”.

encouraging language collage

Let's talk

Smalltalk Program: https://www.smalltalk.net.au/parent-materials/listening-and-talking-more-2/


 We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay

You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at earlyyears@yarraranges.vic.gov.au

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