Montrose & District Men's Shed


The Montrose & District Men’s Shed is an equipped, community workshop where skilled and unskilled men can share time with each other, swap yarns and work together on their own or community projects.

Men’s Sheds provide a relaxed creative space shared by men from all walks of life, an avenue to meet in a friendly workshop environment to work together on meaningful projects for themselves and the community.

In the Shed members can make and repair small items of furniture, toys, craft or do their own projects (personal projects cost of materials must be paid for or supplied by the member). Some items are donated or sold so new tools and materials can be purchased for the Shed.

Open Times:

Monday – Walking group 8:00am or 8:30am depending on daylight saving
Tuesdays, Thursday & Fridays - 9.30 am to approx. 12.00 pm
Wednesday – Chat and coffee or special interest activity. 10.00am (no machines)
Friday lunch is provided on the last Friday of the month.



Montrose Men's Shed,  Unit 2 /1B Leith Road,  Montrose 3765  View Map

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