Friends of Hazel Vale Valley



The Friends of Hazel Vale banded together to restore and enhance the quality of the beautiful Hazel Vale Valley, that runs alongside a tributary of Monbulk Creek. The area features remnant native vegetation, with large, hollow-bearing Manna Gums, and a breeding pair Powerful Owls. The valley is also home to Yellow-bellied Gliders, Swamp Wallabies and Echidnas, along with a plethora of native bird life.

Activities/Working Bees

We meet for three hours once a month on a Sunday afternoon (weather permitting). We remove environmental weeds, plant tubestock as required and make observations of Powerful Owls in the valley.

Meet at the corner of Hazel Vale Road and McNicol Road, Tecoma, 3160




Meet at the corner of Hazel Vale Road and McNicol Road,  Tecoma 3160